Tuesday, April 15, 2008

On the road to recovery...

Once again I cannot believe how long it has taken me to get another post added to the blog. I keep pushing forward hoping that I will get a little more consistent with my posts but mainly I add pictures of the girls which I think is what most people are hoping to see anyway. Since Caisy came home it seems like we have been in and out of the drs. office on a regular basis. Caisy started having some wheezing problems at the start of winter so they started her on breathing treatments. However, the breathing treatments just haven't seemed to clear things up as easily as they would for Delaney when she was younger. Then, back in Feb. we were driving home from a birthday party and when I went to get everyone out of the car I realized that Caisy was having a seizure. I rushed her to the ER and they determined that she had a febrile seizure that they think was triggered by the flu. However, the pediatrician on call did not feel comfortable assuming that it was all caused by the flu so he had her transported down to Dallas Children's Hospital. There they ran some further tests and pumped some IV antibiotics down her and were about to release her when she started wheezing very badly. They did 4 heavy doses of breathing treatments and she still wasn't better. Finally they put a suction machine down her nose and she started to clear up. Then about a month later the wheezing took a turn for the worse again. By the time we got to the pediatrician's office they said she had only 40 % of her lung capacity. They wanted to admit her but they agreed to let me take her home and do breathing treatments every 2 hrs. Now, they have decided to put her on a 2yr. plan for asthmatics and that seems to have worked wonders! Along with all of Caisy's problems the rest of the family has also been sick. Two of us had the flu, 2 cases of strep throat, one ear infection, one sinus infection and 2 times Delaney had a reaction to her antibiotic and broke out in hives. I feel like we must be on the road to recovery. Through all of this the girls have bonded so closely and our family has really felt so complete and unified. Caisy is happy most all of the time and really blossomed. She is pulling herself up and walking the furniture just about ready to take off walking. She is started to say a few words and laughs and all of her older sister's antics. Things are really good around here!

Saturday, January 12, 2008


I have really started to reconsider me and blogging. I first started this blog to share my trip with friends and family to bring Caisy home. I posted exactly twice, lugged a borrowed laptop all the way across the world and could not access the blog even once! Then I came home and have posted exactly once just so people would know we actually did make the trip and all was well. Now, here I am 2 months later and I am attempting a new post. Only to just now have my 7 yr. old and my 4 yr. old (who were playing so nicely together this afternoon) come in and tell me that the almost 1 yr. old woke up early from her nap. So, single mom of three just is not very compatible with blogging but I will continue to plug away whenever I think there is a chance.

Now, to the important info. We are doing great and everyone has settled into our new family unit beautifully! I stand in awe at the way that God ordains our steps and has everything under control despite how it may seem to us. Caisy is an amazing blessing and is truly adored by her big sisters. There really has been no sibling rivalry and only an occasional comment about the fun things we could do before there was a new baby in the house. I have now gone back to work after getting to be home for 10 1/2 weeks and be home for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's this year! That was an added bonus! I have now gone back to work (sigh) but all the girls are settled quite nicely into their routine.

This year has been quite a time for reflection for me. I wake up every day amazed that I get to be the mom of three amazingly wonderful little girls. I also wake up humbled and a little afraid of the enormous task at hand. Then I remember that this is all possible only through the grace, strength and leadership of God who created the whole world and all that is in it, and I just fall on my knees and thank him for His presence in my daily life.